Launch of the book – «Em Defesa dos Direitos Fundamentais» [In Defense of Fundamental Rights]

03 July 2019
@ Aljube Museum Resistance and Freedom

The willingness to present this book in the Aljube Museum Resistance and Freedom came from the author himself. Paulo Pinto de Albuquerque, a judge at the European Court of Human Rights, explained that the choice was obvious, given the world’s situation: the solutions increasingly found to be at the margin of respect for the most elementary human rights and the few differences between the what is happening today and what happened in the last century: the same political behaviors of condescension.

Pacheco Pereira, one of the guests for this presentation, had already said that democracies are increasingly using the “legal” tools typical of the moments of the dictatorships we have known and lived in a few years ago, namely in Portugal .


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