1.ª página de "Ao País", pela Liga de Defesa da República, julho de 1927 PT/TT/PIDE/001/00270, Arquivo Nacional Torre do Tombo

Paris League

11 February 2023

Following the reviralist defeat in February 1927, the most prominent elements of the Republican Resistance were headed for exile. First in Galicia, then in Paris, the Defense League of the Republic, known as the Paris League, is taking shape. António Sérgio, Afonso Costa, José Domingues dos Santos, Álvaro de Castro, Jaime Cortesão and Álvaro Poppe are some of the figures that we find linked to this process.

The base document of the League, entitled “Ao País” and written by António Sérgio, is made public in July 1927. There, it was defended “a new life, in which the indispensable reform of the structure of parliamentary institutions would suffer, if public life were to be healed. , if the economy and education were to be remodelled, and a joint effort should be attempted in order to raise the social level of our people to the level of other peoples ”.


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