Archive of Temporary Exhibitions

The Artist went out to the streets
Na manhã do dia 25 de Abril de 1974, Ana Hatherly contrariou as recomendações para que “os habitantes de Lisboa se conservassem nas suas casas” e, como tantas pessoas, saiu à rua e fotografou o pulsar, a surpresa, a alegria, a celebração da liberdade.
20 of April to 31 of December of 2023
REVOLUTIONS: Guinea-Bissau, Angola and Portugal (1969-1974) – photographs by Uliano Lucas
Revolutions by Uliano Lucas is the story of a journey made of several journeys. Curated by Elisa Alberani, Miguel Cardina and Vincenzo Russo.
13 of April to 30 of September of 2023
(Un)submissive Earth
A video installation that reflects on the idea of freedom and resistance. A work by Kiluanji Kia Henda and Bruno Moraes Cabral about the most extreme deprivation of freedom in colonial times and, at the same time, fiction as the ultimate space of resistance.
23 of February to 31 of March of 2023
ADEUS PÁTRIA E FAMÍLIA addresses the dynamics and tensions between repression and the resistances of sexual and gender diversity during the dictatorship and after the Revolution.
28 of June of 2022 to 29 of January of 2023
The Sacred Poetry of Hope
The temporary exhibition that will occupy floor 4 of the Museum, "The Sacred Poetry of Hope" with works by Dília Fraguito Samarth and curated by Manuel L. Dias dos Santos.
06 of July to 30 of September of 2022
Violence is in the genesis, the practice and the symbolism of an occupation process. But violence meets resistance, with different expressions and impacts. This exhibition aims to reveal and highlight various processes of resistance to Portuguese colonialism between 1926 and 1974, the period that is the object of this museum.
20 of January to 12 of June of 2022
The Guarded War
Curated by Maria José Lobo Antunes and Inês Ponte, "The Guarded War" explores personal collections of men who were once soldiers during the war years.
13 of January to 03 of April of 2022
Women and Resistance – “New Portuguese Letters” and other struggles
The temporary exhibition Women and Resistance - New Portuguese Letters and other struggles aims to reveal and highlight the contribution of so many women who, with different origins and paths, invented and concretized battles for their rights, social justice and freedom, from the 1930s until the 25th of April.
06 of May to 31 of December of 2021
Augusta Conchiglia on the Tracks of the Eastern Front – Images (and Sounds) of the Liberation Struggle in Angola
In April 1968, Augusta Conchiglia clandestinely entered Angola to report, with director Stefano de Stefani, on the ongoing liberation struggle. Until September, guided by MPLA guerrillas, they traveled hundreds of kilometers in the liberated areas of Moxico and Cuando-Cubango. Used by Sarah Maldoror and William Klein, Augusta Conchiglia's images - which are not always credited to her - have become iconographic of the liberation struggle against Portuguese colonialism. This is a gesture of restitution, which projects the name of its author with her images.
22 of July to 31 of December of 2021