Visita Orientada à exposição permanente e temporária do Museu do Aljube.

Guided tour with Judite Álvares

19 of May of 2018 - 15h00

The Museum of Aljube promotes monthly GUIDED VISITS to its Permanent Exhibition and the Temporary Exhibition José Dias Coelho – Revolutionary Militant Artist, aimed at the whole community, subject to previous registration through the Educational Service of the Museum.

Guided tour to the permanent and temporary exhibition of the Aljube Museum.

Other events

International Colloquium ‘Spaces of Confinement: Memories of Repression and Coloniality’
'A colloquium organised by IHC/IN2PAST NOVA FCSH and the University of Naples to commemorate the 88th anniversary of the opening of the Tarrafal colonial prison in Cape Verde.
29 to 30 of October of 2024
The power of a date in women’s fight
A talk on the history of International Women's Day and its connection to the struggle, organised by the Women's Democratic Movement (MDM).
23 of October of 2024 - 17h30
«Duas peças em Estado Novo»
«Duas peças em Estado Novo» includes A Reputation, by British playwright Susannah Finzi, followed by Partida ou a Mulher sem Medo, by Armando Nascimento Rosa.
18 to 20 of October of 2024
«Duas peças em Estado Novo»
«Duas peças em Estado Novo» includes A Reputação, by British playwright Susannah Finzi, followed by Partida ou a Mulher sem Medo, by Armando Nascimento Rosa.
18 to 20 of October of 2024