Archive of Temporary Exhibitions

Jaime Cortesão – Citizen, Patriot, Member of the Resistance
Jaime Cortesão – Citizen, Patriot, Member of the Resistance, shows the man of action, committed to a regenerative political praxis of the nation, with a secure support in the genuine culture and founder of portuguese roots.
18 of October of 2019 to 30 of August of 2020
the portuguese prison photo project provides an insight into seven portuguese contemporary prisons. From the largest and oldest dating back to the 1880s to the newest opened in 2004. The images, captured by two photographers, a portuguese (Luís Barbosa) and a swiss (Peter M. Schulthess), show different approaches and perspectives and are complemented by historical images from the national archives.
11 of May to 29 of September of 2019
Manuel Brito – MFA’s Cultural Promotion and Civic Action Campaign
The MFA’s Cultural Promotion and Civic Action Campaign, announced in October 1974, had as its primary objective “to put the Armed Forces at the service of a project for the development of the Portuguese people”, and “to promote the better cultural and political level of the country ‘. The exhibition is composed by a set […]
1 to 30 of May of 2019