Archive of Temporary Exhibitions

The Artist went out to the streets
Na manhã do dia 25 de Abril de 1974, Ana Hatherly contrariou as recomendações para que “os habitantes de Lisboa se conservassem nas suas casas” e, como tantas pessoas, saiu à rua e fotografou o pulsar, a surpresa, a alegria, a celebração da liberdade.
20 of April to 31 of December of 2023
REVOLUTIONS: Guinea-Bissau, Angola and Portugal (1969-1974) – photographs by Uliano Lucas
Revolutions by Uliano Lucas is the story of a journey made of several journeys. Curated by Elisa Alberani, Miguel Cardina and Vincenzo Russo.
13 of April to 30 of September of 2023
(Un)submissive Earth
A video installation that reflects on the idea of freedom and resistance. A work by Kiluanji Kia Henda and Bruno Moraes Cabral about the most extreme deprivation of freedom in colonial times and, at the same time, fiction as the ultimate space of resistance.
23 of February to 31 of March of 2023