Desenhos de Jaime Serra, datados de agosto e setembro de 1949 representando um dos guardas do Aljube, o interior de uma das celas (um dos curros) e um interrogatório

Theater at the Aljube Museum «E eles não racharam» by Castro Guedes

24 to 25 of October of 2019
Auditório do Museu do Aljube
Esta imagem tem um texto alternativo em branco, o nome da imagem é 2019_10_24-25_TnMA_ENR_site-mailchimp.jpg

Drawings by Jaime Serra, dated August and September 1949 depicting one of the Aljube guards, the interior of one of the cells (one of the curros) and an interrogation.

October 24 – Thursday, 11am and 3:30 pm October 25 – Friday, 11am, 3:30 pm and 9:30 pm

OCT 25 – Friday, 3:30pm and 9:30 pm SOLD OUT

OCT 24 – Thursday, 11am and 15:30pm SOLD OUT

Scenic script and direction

Castro Guedes

Actor Interpretation

(In order of entering the scene)

Maria Almeida

Jorge Fernandes

Paulo Lages

Music, direction and musical interpretation

Hernâni Faustino

Length 45 ′

M / 12

Activity in portuguese

Free admission, subject to the capacity of the space, by appointment and prior withdrawal of the ticket 30 minutes before the session.

Please confirm your presence to:

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