What if we exchanged some ideas about the Revolution?

17 of March to 10 of November of 2022
Museu do Aljube

We begin the Commemorations of the 50th Anniversary of 25th April with a cycle of conversations taking place between March and November 2022, always at 6pm, in our auditorium. At the Museum of Resistance and Freedom, this cycle of talks will celebrate our everyday struggle.

17 MAR – THU, 6 P.M.
Revolution and Disputes of Memory
Paula Godinho and Manuel Loff

7 APR – THU, 18H00
Portuguese Revolution: the people are in the street!
Isabel do Carmo and Luís Trindade

13 APR – WED, 18H00
The Revolution before the Revolution
Vasco Lourenço, Carlos Matos Gomes and Martins Guerreiro

5 MAY – THU, 18H00
April Revolution in the world and in its time
Raquel Ribeiro and Giulia Stripoli

19 MAY – THU, 18H00
Revolution and Struggles. The world of work
Joana Dias Pereira, Manuel Candeias and João Madeira

7TH JULY – THU, 18H00
Revolution and political violence – the Hot Summer
Miguel Carvalho and Francisco Bairrão Ruivo

15 SEP – THU, 18H00
Revolution and Culture
Sónia Vespeira de Almeida and Mário de Carvalho

13 OCT – THU, 18H00
Revolution, gender and sexuality
Raquel Afonso and Isabel Freire

10 NOV – THU, 18H00
Revolution and What Remains. The revolutionary conquests.
Maria Inácia Rezola

Revolution and Music
Francisco Fanhais and Manuel Pires da Rocha

Subject to room capacity.
Registration: inscricoes@museudoaljube.pt

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